Getting of all the task data


Gets a full structure of task

Request code


Request errors

Request code Code meaning Explanation
QE_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND Folder not found Folder was not found
QE_TASK_NOT_FOUND Task not found Task was not found

Request body

 "Folder ID":<MyFolderID>,
 "Task ID":<MyTaskID>

Response body

   "Task ID": <MyTaskID_1>,
   "Allow proxy": <MyAllowProxy_1>,
   "Allow static": <MyAllowStatic_1>,
   "Ignore GU": <MyIgnoreGU_1>,
   "Range size": <MyRangeSize_1>,
   "Mask": <MyMask_1>,
   "Unique period": <MyUniquePeriod_1>,
   "Ext source":<MyExtSource_1>,
   "Before click":<MyBeforeClick_1>,
   "After click":<MyAfterClick_1>,
   "List ID":<MyListID_1>,
   "List mode":<MyListMode_1>,
   "Profile storage":<MyProfileStorage_1>,
   "Geo targeting":[
    {"Zone ID": <ZoneID_1>, "Target": <Target_1>,"Recd":<Recd_1>},
   "Day targeting":[
    {"Min": <Min_1>, "Max": <Max_1>, "Hour": <Hour_1>},
   "Day stats":[
    {"Recd": <Recd_1>, "Incomplete":<Incomplete_1>, "Overload":<Overload_1>, "Hour": <Hour_1>},
   "Week targeting":[
    {"Target": <Target_1>, "Day": <Day_1> },
   "Time distribution":[
    {"Percent": <Percent_1>, "Priority": <Priority_1>},