Adding of the task


Adds new task to the folder

Request code


Request errors

Request code Code meaning Explanation
QE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Limit exceeded The maximum number of tasks in the target folder has been exceeded

Request body

 "Folder ID":<MyFolderID>,
 "Ignore GU":<MyIgnoreGU>,
 "Allow proxy":<MyAllowProxy>,
 "Allow static":<MyAllowStatic>,
 "Unique period":<MyUniquePeriod>,
 "Range size":<MyRangeSize>,
 "Ext source":<MyExtSource>,
 "Before click":<MyBeforeClick>,
 "After click":<MyAfterClick>,
 "List ID":<MyListID>,
 "List mode":<MyListMode>,
 "Profile storage":<MyProfileStorage>,

Response body

 "Task ID":<NewTaskID>