Confirmation of the credit transfer from one account to another


Confirms the credit transfer from one account to another

Request code


Request errors

Request code Code meaning Explanation
QE_LOW_BALANCE Low balance
QE_INVALID_RECIPIENT Invalid recipient
QE_INVALID_CODE Invalid code

Request body

   "Confirm code":<MyAmount>

Response body

  "Operation ID":<MyOperationID>,
  "Transfer amount":<MyTransferAmount>


  • <MyOperationID> - operation identifier
  • <MyBalance> - the sender balance after transaction
  • <MyTransferAmount>- the number of credits accrued to the recipient by transaction


  • When transferring credits system debits from the account of the sender <MyAmount>*(1+TransferPercent/100) credits amount.
  • TransferPercent - variable, descripted in system constants
  • The transfer of credits from sender's balance could be confirmed by both sender and recepient.
  • Field «Balance» is displayed in the response only if the operation is confirmed by the sender.