
The profile storage


The profile storage - a set of tables in the database MySQL.


Why do you need the profile storage.

Storage profiles are needed for webmaster to keep upgrading, by desire (surfer cookies for the certain task execution) in the place, independent on surfers. This can be useful to those for whom upgrading is critical, for example, when upgrading profile to stabilize statistics of LiveInternet or other counters.

Storage of profiles regardless of the surfer is more reliable, as many surfers work through virtual machine or sandbox, and in this case, often the data on upgrading is not saved . In addition, upgrading will not be canceled due to incorrect software update.

How to start using of the profile storage.

To start using the profile storage you must install the storage script on your site. For this purpose it is necessary to download on this link, place anywhere on the hosting and running in a browser install.php. Follow the instructions.

It may be noted that for the profile store is suitable both the existing database and re-created.