Copies the specified settings of the original task on the target tasks of the target folder.
Request code | Code meaning | Explanation |
QE_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Folder not found | The source folder was not found |
QE_TARGET_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND | Target folder not found | Target folder was not found |
QE_TASK_NOT_FOUND | Task not found | The source task was not found |
"Action":<OC_COPYTASKSETTINGS>, "Data":{ "Source folder":<MySourceFolderID>, "Source task":<MySourceTaskID>, "Target folder":<MyTargetFolderID>, "Target tasks":[ <MyTargetTaskID_1>, <MyTargetTaskID_2>, ... <MyTargetTaskID_N> ], "Settings":[ <TaskSetting_1>, <TaskSetting_2>, ... <TaskSetting_N> ] "Token":<MyToken> }