====== SendImage ====== Sends the specified image to the specified address by POST method. ===== Syntax ===== function SendImage(aImage: TCSElement; aURL:string; aName: string): string; function SendImage(aImage: TCSImage; aURL:string; aName: string): string; ==== Parameters ==== * **//aImage//** * //type:// [[en:wascript:pascal:records:tcsimage|TCSImage]] * //functions:// image to be sent * **//aImage//** * //type:// [[en:wascript:pascal:records:tcselement|TCSElement]] * //functions:// element image of which to be sent * **//aURL//** * //type:// string * //functions:// address on which image will sent * **//aName//** * //type:// string * //functions:// file name that will be assigned to the image ==== Returnes value ==== * //type:// string * //functions:// server response