====== ReplaceRegExpr ====== Substitutes the specified text in the string at the specified, in accordance with the specified regular expression ===== Syntax ===== function ReplaceRegExpr(aRegExpr: string; aInputStr: string; aReplaceStr : string; aUseSubstitution: boolean = false): string; ==== Parameters ==== * **//aRegExpr//** * //type:// string * //functions:// [[en:wascript:adjuvant:regexpr:syntax|regular expression]] * **//aInputStr//** * //type:// string * //functions:// substituted string * **//aReplaceStr//** * //type:// string * //functions:// string that substitutes occurrences found ==== Returned value ==== * //type:// string * //functions:// Resulting string ===== Examples ===== -Log(ReplaceRegExpr ('\s', '1 2 3 ', '|')); //Result in the log 1|2|3|4|5