====== MoveByPath ====== Emulates mouse movement through the specified intermediate points. ===== Syntax ===== procedure MoveByPath(aPath:TCSMovePath; aLeftButton: boolean = false); ==== Parameters ==== * **//aPath//** * //type:// [[en:wascript:pascal:types:tcsmovepath|TCSMovePath]] * //functions:// array of intermediate points * **//aLeftButton//** * //type:// boolean * //functions:// a flag indicating whether there should be pressing the left mouse button ===== Examples ===== -//Move the mouse cursor over an arc of a parabola var path:TCSMovePath; var point:TCSMovePoint; var i:integer; for i:=0 to 100 do begin point.X:=i*2; point.Y:=round(point.X*point.X/100); point.Duration:=round(i/10); path.add(point); end; MoveByPath(path);{{ :wascript_movebypath_1.gif }}