====== GetExtSource ====== Gets external source on the specified address, using the specified [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_agent|User-agent]]. ===== Syntax ===== functon GetExtSource(aURL: string; aUserAgent: string = ''): TCSExtSource; ==== Parameters ==== * **//aURL//** * //type:// string * //functions:// address where the request is sent * **//aUserAgent//** * //type:// string * //functions:// [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_agent|User-agent]], which will be used to make a request ==== Returned value ==== * //type:// [[en:wascript:pascal:records:tcsextsource|TCSExtSource]] * //functions:// structure containing the treated [[en:help:externalsource|external data source]] ===== Notes ===== * If aUserAgent is not specified, it will be used the browser's User-agent. ===== Examples ===== -var es:=GetExtSource('http://mysite.ru/extsource.txt');