====== ExecRegExpr ======
Checks whether the specified string is in accord with specified regular expression.
===== Syntax =====
function ExecRegExpr(aRegExpr: string; aInputStr: string): boolean;
==== Parameters ====
* **//aRegExpr//**
* //type:// string
* //functions:// [[en:wascript:adjuvant:regexpr:syntax|regular expression]]
* **//aInputStr//**
* //type:// string
* //functions:// verified string
==== Returned value ====
* //type:// boolean
* //functions:// flag of the accordance verity
===== Notes =====
===== Examples =====
-var phone:='8(495)123-4567';
if ExecRegExpr ('\d{3}-(\d{2}-\d{2}|\d{4})', phone) then
Log('The phone number is correct') else
Log('The phone number is not correct');