====== DeleteStorageItem ====== Removes from the [[en:api:wastorage|storage]] on the specified address an element which is correspond to specified key and ID. ===== Syntax ===== procedure DeleteStorageItem(aStorageURL: string; aStorageKey: string; aItemID: integer; aStoragePass: string=''); ==== Parameters ==== * **//aStorageURL//** * //type:// string * //functions:// storage address * **//aStorageKey//** * //type:// string * //functions:// identification key * **//aItemID//** * //type:// integer * //functions:// ID of the element to be removed * **//aStoragePass//** * //type:// string * //functions:// password to access the storage ===== Notes ===== ===== Examples ===== -//Remove from storage element with ID = 10 and with the key TestKey DeleteStorageItem('http://mysite.ru/storage.php','TestKey',10);