====== CreateTab ======
Adds a new tab and makes it an active
===== Syntax =====
procedure CreateTab(aURI:string=''; aReferer:string=''; aWaitLoaded:boolean=true);
==== Parameters ====
* **//aURI//**
* //type:// string
* //functions:// address of loaded page
* **//aReferer//**
* //type:// string
* //functions:// [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_referer|HTTP referer]], substituted when the page is loaded
* **//aWaitLoaded//**
* //type:// boolean
* //functions:// a flag indicating whether or not to expect a full loading of the page
===== Notes =====
* If aWaitLoaded = false, the script will wait for the full page loading. Otherwise, the script will start to load the specified page and continue execution.
===== Examples =====