====== CheckAvailability ======
Checks the availability of the specified page. Terminates performing of the task, if the page was unavailable.
===== Syntax =====
procedure CheckAvailability(aPage: string; aExpectedIP: string = '';
aIncludedText: string = ''; aUserAgent: string = ''); overload;
procedure CheckAvailability(aCheckItem: TCSCheckItem); overload;
procedure CheckAvailability(aCheckItems: TCSCheckItems); overload;
==== Parameters ====
* **//aPage//**
* //type:// string
* //functions:// verified page
* **//aExpectedIP//**
* //type:// string
* //functions:// supposed IP host on which the page is situated
* **//aIncludedText//**
* //type:// string
* //functions:// text contained in the source code of the checked page
* **//aUserAgent//**
* //type:// string
* //functions:// User-agent, which will be specified when loading the source code of the checked page
* **//aCheckItem//**
* //type:// [[en:wascript:pascal:records:tcscheckitem]]
* //functions:// record containing the information required to verify the page
* **//aCheckItems//**
* //type:// [[en:wascript:pascal:types:tcscheckitems]]
* //functions:// array of records to check multiple pages
===== Notes =====
* To test the page goes through the following algorithm:
- verified the availability of the host on which the page is situated. If the host is available, then
- if IP host coincides with aExpectedIP or aExpectedIP and equals '0 .0.0.0 ', then
- if aIncludedText not empty, the source code of the page is loaded using aUserAgent (redirects are not supported!). If aUserAgent empty, then used User-agent, installed for your browser. If the source code of the page contains aIncludedText or aIncludedText - empty string, then
- test passes, the script continues to execute
* If the test fails, the script will stop execution
* The procedure may be performed only once, and only being the first method that performed by a script. If there were performed other methods before, the software will ignore CheckAvailability.
* If you check the array pages, will be checked only the first five elements of array
===== Examples =====
- CheckAvailability('habrahabr.ru');
- CheckAvailability('habrahabr.ru', '');
- CheckAvailability('habrahabr.ru', '', 'habr');
- var CheckItem: TCSCheckITem;
CheckItem.Page := 'habrahabr.ru';
- var CheckItems: TCSCheckITems;
var CheckItem: TCSCheckItem;
CheckItem.Page := 'habrahabr.ru';
CheckItem.ExpectedIP := '';