====== Security ======
===== Adding certificate =====
Software is signed by certificate. This is mainly done to ensure that anti-virus programs were sure that you trust the program. To install the certificate into the system is necessary to make a few simple steps:
* Click RMB on Wasppacer.exe → properties
* Select the tab "Digital Signatures", select the certificate, press the button "Data
* Displays "data on digital signature" Click "View Certificate"
* Displays "Certificate". Press "Install Certificate"
* Click "Next" - "Next" = "Next". Security warning appears. Click "Yes"
After done, the system should understand that software signed by this certificate is trusted.
Accordingly, the anti-virus software should also trust to software that was signed by this certificate.
For example, Kaspersky antivirus tells us that the software is trusted, because it was signed by trusted digital signature:
===== Sandbox =====
Sandboxie is a sandbox-based isolation program, in which other programs are could run
Quote from Wikipedia
Sandboxie allows you to run applications in an isolated virtual environment and provides your full control of running processes.
The program running in the "sandbox" cannot write any data in the system registry, access to system files or modify the system or to affect its performance.
Sandboxie increases the security of the operating system while Web-surfing in the Internet, prevents installing unwanted software or updates, and also oversees the e-mail using it's own "trap" for viruses, Trojans and spyware attached to the letter.
The number of virtual "sandbox" unlimited, you can manually create a list of programs which will run automatically in them, as well as flexibility to customize permission levels to different resources for each of them.
At the end of a work session with the programs, all traces of the changes made in the "sandbox" can be removed with one click. Thus, Sandboxie is high-trusted filter for running programs.
Sandboxie works fine with Waspace'om and similar programs.
===== Virtual machine =====
Virtual machine virtualizes some platform and creates in it environments that isolate programs (even operational systems) from each other.
A virtual machine being installed prevents infection of underlying operating system while autosurf. The most common program to install Virtual Machine is [[http://virtualbox.ru.softonic.com/|VirtualBox]]