===== Weekly targeting ===== ==== Description ==== Weekly targeting - this value that affects the value of the daily targeting. ==== Properties ==== ^ Min value ^ Max value ^ | 0% | 100% | Specified value affects the amount of the task executions on weekdays. ==== Additionally ==== For each day of the week, you can specify a certain percentage. Formula of targeting changing S'=(S*q)/100% //,где// * S' - daily targeting value based on the weekly targeting value * S - the original value of the daily targeting * q - value of weekly targeting ==== Examples ==== - Parameters - The value of weekly targeting: monday - 23% {{:ru:help:settings:4h.png?nolink|}} - The value of weekly targeting: tuesday - 67% {{:ru:help:settings:4h.png?nolink|}} - Conditions - Daily targeting - Daily targeting - Result - -