====== Array URLFilters ====== ===== Description ===== URLFilters - an array of values in the structure of the [[en:help:externalsource|root object]] or [[en:help:externalsource:item|object Item]]. Each value in the array is a string - URL filter. While performing of the task, all of the loaded URL, containing one of the filters will be filtered out. ===== Structure ===== "URLFilters":["", "", ..., ""] ===== Examples ===== Example code when URLFilters are in the root Items object. { "Items": [], "URLFilters":["mc.yandex.ru","?go="] } * **mc.yandex.ru** - blocks all of the loading URL, containing //mc.yandex.ru//. * **?go=** - blocks all of the loading URL, containing //?go=//. Example code, when URLFilters are in the Item objects { "Items":[ { "URLFilters":["mc.yandex.ru","?go="] } ] } Example code, when URLFilters are in the Item objects and in the root Items object { "Items":[ { "URLFilters":["mc.yandex.ru","?go="] } ], "URLFilters":["mc.yandex.ru","?go="] }