====== Array Paths ======
This is an array of elements in the structure of the [[en:help:externalsource:item|Item object]] or [[en:help:externalsource:|root element]]. Used to specify the path to the site on which the software must pass during the task. Site path is specified as part of the value of the ''href'' attribute, it's similar to [[ru:help:notions:mask|masks]], but only for internal (!) links on the site.
===== Attributes =====
* May contain [[en:help:externalsource:external|Priority attribute]]
* May contain [[en:help:externalsource:priority|External attribute]]
* While performing of task, one of the elements is selected , according with value of the Priority attribute.
* The maximum depth of the path of the site does not exceed 15.
* Time of browsing of the one page of the path depends on the number of paths and [[ru:help:notions:before-click|the main time of performing]] of the task: time is divided by the number of paths.
* If [[ru:help:externalsource:|external source]] contains no elements in the array Path, then within the period of the main time of performing of the task there is [[ru:help:externalsource:pages|a front page]] will be browsed.
===== Structure =====
===== Example =====
The following actions will be performed:
- Loading of the home page ''waspace.net/about.html''
- finding link for the path and transition on it: ''http://waspace.net/download.html''
- finding link for the path and transition on it: ''http://waspace.net/link.html''
- finding link for the path and transition on it: ''http://forum.waspace.net''