====== Array AfterPaths ======
This is an array of elements in the structure of the [[en:help:externalsource:item|Item object]] or [[en:help:externalsource:|root element]]. Used to specify the path to the site on which the software must pass while the task is performed, after a click on the [[ru:help:notions:mask|mask]]. Site path is specified as part of the value of the ''href'' attribute is similar masks.
===== Attributes =====
* May contain [[en:help:externalsource:external|Priority attribute]]
* May contain [[en:help:externalsource:priority|External attribute]]
* While performing of task, one of the elements is selected , according with value of the Priority attribute.
* The maximum depth of the path after clicking does not exceed 15.
* Time of browsing of the one page of the path depends on the number of paths and [[ru:help:notions:after-click|an additional time of performing]] of the task: time is divided by the number of paths.
* If [[ru:help:externalsource:|the external source ]] contains no elements in the array AfterPaths, then within the period of the additional time of performing of the task there are several random links will be clicked.
===== Structure =====
===== Example =====
The following actions will be performed:
- Loading of the home page ''waspace.net/about.html''
- Finding link for the path and transition on it: ''http://waspace.net/download.html''
- Finding link for the path and transition on it: ''http://waspace.net/link.html''
- Finding link for the path and transition on it: ''http://forum.waspace.net''
- Finding element to click on the mask and transition on it
- Finding link for the path after clicking and transition on it: ''http://forum.waspace.net/...''
- Finding link for the path after clicking and transition on it:''http://forum.waspace.net/...''
- Finding link for the path after clicking and transition on it: ''http://forum.waspace.net/...''
- Completion of the task