===== External data source ===== ==== Description ==== External data source (ES)- storage for the settings of the tasks as a file, which has a certain structure in [[http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON|JSON]] format, use which allows you to expand the functional of tasks. ==== Structure ==== The external data source may contain an array of [[ru:help:externalsource:item|Item]], in which, or directly in the root element, you can place an unlimited number of the following elements: * [[en:help:externalsource:domains]] * [[en:help:externalsource:pages]] * [[en:help:externalsource:paths]] * [[en:help:externalsource:afterpaths]] * [[en:help:externalsource:referers]] * [[en:help:externalsource:useragents]] * [[en:help:externalsource:checkpages]] * [[en:help:externalsource:exmasks]] * [[en:help:externalsource:extensions]] * [[en:help:externalsource:exextensions]] * [[en:help:externalsource:mimetypes]] * [[en:help:externalsource:exmimetypes]] * [[en:help:externalsource:urlfilters]] * [[en:help:externalsource:exurlfilters]] {"Items": [ { "Domains":[ { "Domain":"", "Priority":1 }, { "Domain":"", "Priority":1 }, ..., { "Domain":"", "Priority":1 } ], "Pages":[ { "Page":"", "Priority":1 }, { "Page":"", "Priority":1 }, ..., { "Page":"", "Priority":1 } ], "Paths":[ { "Path":[ "", "", "<...>", "" ], "Priority":1 }, { "Path":[ "", "", "<...>", "" ], "Priority":1 }, ..., { "Path":[ "", "", "<...>", "" ], "Priority":1 } ], "AfterPaths":[ { "AfterPath":[ "", "", "<...>", "" ], "Priority":1 }, { "AfterPath":[ "", "", "<...>", "" ], "Priority":1 }, ..., { "AfterPath":[ "", "", "<...>", "" ], "Priority":1 } ], "UserAgents":[ { "UserAgent":"", "Priority":1 }, { "UserAgent":"", "Priority":1 }, ..., { "UserAgent":"", "Priority":1 } ], "Referers":[ { "Referer":"", "Priority":1 }, { "Referer":"", "Priority":1 }, ..., { "Referer":"", "Priority":1 } ], "CheckPages":[ { "Page":"", "ExpectedIP":"", "IncludedText":"", "UserAgent":"", "Priority":1 }, { "Page":"", "ExpectedIP":"", "IncludedText":"", "UserAgent":"", "Priority":1 }, ..., { "Page":"", "ExpectedIP":"", "IncludedText":"", "UserAgent":"", "Priority":1 }, ], "ExMasks":[ "", "", ..., "" ], "Extensions":[ "", "", ..., "" ], "ExExtensions":[ "", "", ..., "" ], "MimeTypes":[ "", "", ..., "" ], "ExMimeTypes":[ "", "", ..., "" ], "URLFilters":[ "", "", ..., "" ], "ExURLFilters":[ "", "", ..., "" ] } ] } ==== Attributes ==== Any object in the external data source may include the following properties: * [[en:help:externalsource:priority]] * [[en:help:externalsource:external]] ==== Additionally ==== * ES file must be available by direct link * The file must be in [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8|UTF-8]] without BOM * File ES can be packed into the archive. Zip, but without a password. * ES can be created using a generator, but there are not all functions are available ==== Example ==== {"Items": [ { "Pages":[ { "External":"http://files.waspace.net/pages.txt" } ], "Paths":[ { "Path":["link","page","go/?","page"], "Priority":50 }, { "Path":["link","page"], "Priority":30 } ], "AfterPaths":[ { "AfterPath":["/","/","/"] } ], "UserAgents":[ { "External":"http://files.waspace.net/useragents.txt" } ], "Referers":[ { "External":"http://files.waspace.net/referers.txt" } ], "CheckPages":[ { "Page":"waspace.net", "ExpectedIP":"" } ], "ExMasks":["vk.com"], "Extensions":[".swf",".css"], "ExExtensions":[".png"], "MimeTypes":["application"], "ExMimeTypes":["image/png"], "URLFilters":["docs"], "ExURLFilters":["waspace.net/"], } ] }